Teeple's Testosterone 101
01 WHAT IS IT? Testosterone is the essential male hormone. To put it simply: it is what makes a man a man. It is critical to maintaining healthy organ systems - thus key to a man's mental, physical and sexual wellness.
02 SIGNS OF LOW T? Most common signs that a man's Testosterone level is not healthy: low energy, low libido and irritability. Learn the others by taking our test.
03 KNOW YOUR T-LEVEL. A simple blood test is all you need to check your levels. Ask your doctor for a Free and Total Testosterone.
04 T-LEVEL GOAL. Healthy Testosterone levels are considered as the following: Total - above 400 ng/dl. Free - above 10 pg/ml.
05 THE STATS. 40% of men over the age of 45 have Low Testosterone. It is estimated that a staggering 15 million men in America suffer from Low T, but only 5% of them will ever be diagnosed.
06 TREATMENT. It's simple and 95% successful. Options include: topical gels applied daily, injections in the muscle bi-monthly, implantable pellets quarterly and various others.
07 BE MONITORED. It is very important for a health care provider to monitor treatment so that levels remain in a healthy zone. I suggest 3 and 6 month follow ups the first year and once a year after that.
08 KNOW THE FACTS. Side effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy include increase body hair, acne, increase in red blood cell count, increased appetite, and slight fluid retention. Benefits: Reversal of Low T symptoms, keeps bones strong, helps lower cholesterol and burn more fat.
09 DISCIPLINE. If you don't follow the prescribed regime by your doctor then you will not have a healthy T level. So make it a part of your routine and stick with the program.
10 DON'T MISS OUT. Men who suffer from Low T are usually unaware they are a shell of their former selves. They usually fall short in their relationships with others. Lack of emotion, desire and interest are key traits. Get educated and know your T-Level.